Artificial intelligence for Digital banking sales
Retail banking will look very different in post COVID 19 world. This is the
time when every bank will transform into a Digital/Neo bank and aggressively
expand their Digital banking sales footprint.
Till a month back , branches were considered mainstay channels for banks ,
with ~60 percent of customers doing at least some of their banking at
branches, especially new customer signup and on-boarding.
Let's look at the reasons for the customers to visit your branch ?
Don't have preferred digital channel.
Digital channel does not have the process.
Digital banking sales and service has become more relevant than ever before.
With lockdowns, closed branches and clogged call centres, a channel with
ubiquitous presence across WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter can be the saviour
for your banking business today...
Market leaders who have invested in NLP based chatbots and voice bots are
likely to see a 30% uptake in new business sales in this period.
Time to boost your digital sales ...how?